


project initiated by:
Mali Weil

institutions and partnerships:
Centrale Fies (IT)
National Mountain Museum Turin (IT)
Festspillene I Nord Norge (NO)
Drugajanje Maribor (SL)
MUSE-Science Museum Trento (IT)
Kilowatt Bologna (IT)

supported by:
Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Fondazione Caritro
Ministero della Cultura
tramite bando Italian Council X

The School of Interspecies Diplomacy and Werewolfish Studies is a real and fictional institution founded in 2022 by Mali Weil, to foster the training of future diplomats, but it operates as well as a research centre on Werewolfish Studies.
Its programmes are open in a site-specific manner, at the invitation of cultural institutions, festivals, museums, etc.

Its mission is to devise and disseminate practices and research dedicated to nurturing relationships between the inhabitants of planet earth, with the aim of facilitating the transition from a high-impact, extractivist modus vivendi towards social, cultural and political forms marked by balance and coexistence. Systems where no component of the relational network of an ecosystem can be considered as a mere resource.

To date, it has organised intensive master classes, lectures and workshops, produced publications and performances. The School collaborates with museums and cultural institutions in Italy and abroad. It is currently resident at the National Mountain Museum in Turin, where it is conducting research on proto-diplomatic practices in mountain areas and recipient of the Tilling Roots&Seeds research grant from the European project of the same name.
In 2024 he will curate his first exhibition for MUSE-Museo di Scienze in Trento.

La Scuola di Diplomazie Interspecie e Studi Licantropici è un’isitituzione reale e fictional fondata da Mali Weil nel 2022, per favorire la formazione di futuri diplomatici e operare come centro di ricerca sugli Studi Licantropici.

I propri programmi sono aperti in maniera site specific, su invito di istituzioni culturali, festival, musei, etc.

La sua mission è ideare e diffondere pratiche e ricerche dedicate alla cura delle relazioni tra abitanti del pianeta terra, nell’ottica di facilitare il passaggio da un modus vivendi improntato all’estrattivismo e ad alto impatto verso forme sociali, culturali e politiche improntate all’equilibrio e alla coesistenza. Sistemi dove nessuna componente della rete relazionale di un ecosistema possa essere considerata come semplice risorsa.

Fino ad oggi ha organizzato masterclass intensivi, lezioni e workshop, prodotto pubblicazioni e performance. Collabora con musei e istituzioni culturali in Italia e all’estero. Attualmente è residente al Museo Nazionale della Montagna di Torino dove sta curando una ricerca sulle pratiche proto-diplomatiche in aree montane e destinatario della grant di ricerca Tilling Roots&Seeds del progetto Europeo con lo stesso nome.
Nel 2024 curerà la sua prima mostra per MUSE-Museo di Scienze di Trento.


[…] Wolves, for example, while not grasping human boundaries, understand the concept of territory and constantly use a system of inter- and intra-specific conventions in order to regulate
territorial boundaries. They have practices and for- ms of life that demarcate their territory, traverse it and distinguish external from internal areas.
The worlds of diplomats open up in this space of misunderstanding and clashing between what is territory for humans and what is territory for wolves, between our rights and the rights of others, between the human minds and the minds of the rest of the living beings. To act there, one must bend. This is perhaps an essential thing to know before enrolling in this school: the position of diplomacy is etymologically that of one who bends.

[…] Negotiation between living beings is a complex act that always happens in a given territory and in a complicated tangle of relationships. Every negotiating table is to be invented through the tools and methodologies that our school offers, but above all through the tools, bodies and devices that the diplomats of the future will imagine, pretend and shape from time to time.

Holda K. Rebane

from the keynote for the opening of the School of Interspecies Diplomacy and Werewolfish Studies,
December 7th 2022

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